June 18, 2016

Blog moved

Posted in Life, the Universe and Everything at 14:54 by theBlackDragon

A little heads up that I’ve moved my blog back to my own domain at: http://www.lair.be

May 30, 2013

fvwm-mode now on GitHub

Posted in Emacs, FVWM at 02:15 by theBlackDragon

This is just a short update to announce that fvwm-mode has moved from my internal Subversion repository to GitHub after a request to update the headers to conform to Emacs standards for the Emacsmirror , the net result of this are two things:

  • I was reminded of a bunch of stuff I still wanted to do/fix in fvwm-mode, so it might even get done (I’ve already fixed some deprecation warnings, properly supporting lexical binding is next on my list)
  • fvwm-mode ended up on GitHub as that’s easier for the Emacsmirror to, well, mirror compared to some file on some webserver that I sometimes update.

I didn’t bother retaining the original version history as the interesting bits are in the NEWS file anyway.

The fvwm-mode repository resides here.

June 8, 2012

Jackrabbit with PostgreSQL on JBoss AS 7.1

Posted in Jackrabbit, Java, JCR at 10:56 by theBlackDragon

Getting Jackrabbit (2.4.1 and/or 2.6-SVN) to work on JBoss AS 7.1  has been a long and arduous journey. Most of the information is out there, but it’s fragmented at best so I’ll describe the steps I had  to take to get Jackrabbit to work with JBoss using a PostgreSQL database.

1 Setting up the database

1.2 Registering the JDBC driver

The first order of business is to register the PostgreSQL driver, recent drivers don’t require any entries in the modules directory anymore, just specifying putting the driver jar in the deployments folder and putting the filename in the <driver> element in the JBoss configuration file (standalone/configuration/standalone.xml) suffices (see next section about setting up the datasource).

Alternatively you can create a new folder structure in the modules directory “org/postgres/main” and put the driver jar in there. Then you need to create a module.xml file with the following contents:

  <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  <module xmlns="urn:jboss:module:1.0" name="org.postgresql">
      <resource-root path="postgresql-9.1-901-1.jdbc4.jar"/>
      <module name="javax.api"/>
      <module name="javax.transaction.api"/>

We also need to add a <driver> element to standalone.xml under drivers in the datasource section (just search the file for “drivers”, there’s only one such element in the default configuration) like this:

  <driver name="postgres-jdbc4" module="org.postgresql">

Here it is important that the module name is the same as the name in module.xml, the driver name can be anything.

This second method makes it easier to update the driver if it is used by multipe projects.

1.2 Setting up the datasource

Next we need to set up a new datasource under the datasource subsystem element:

  <subsystem xmlns="urn:jboss:domain:datasources:1.0">
      <datasource jta="true" jndi-name="java:/jdbc/DocumentStoreDS" 
                  pool-name="DocumentStoreDS" enabled="true" 
                  use-java-context="true" use-ccm="true">
          <check-valid-connection-sql>SELECT 1</check-valid-connection-sql>

If using the module way of registering the JDBC driver change the <driver> element in the above snipped to refer to the chosen driver name (“postgres-jdbc4” in the example)

If you start JBoss now it should say the driver is available under the chosen JNDI name.

  11:33:55,231 INFO  [org.jboss.as.connector.subsystems.datasources] 
    (MSC service thread 1-1) JBAS010400: Bound data source [java:/jdbc/DocumentStoreDS]

2 Registering the JCR API

Next we have to register the JCR API jar as module. The steps are basically the same as for the PostgreSQL driver (if you chose to go that route).

Create a subdirectory javax/jcr/main under modules, put the jcr-2.0.jar in it and create a module.xml file like this:

  <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  <module xmlns="urn:jboss:module:1.0" name="javax.jcr">
      <module name="javax.transaction.api" export="true"/>

      <resource-root path="jcr-2.0.jar"/>

3 Setting up Jackrabbit

3.1 Working around a Jackrabbit issue

JCA requires certain classes to implement the equals and hascode methods, unfortunately current Jackrabbit versions don’t do so (see this JIRA issue)

The easiest solution is to turn off failure upon JCA validation errors in the JBoss configuration (or just turn off validation entirely):

  <subsystem xmlns="urn:jboss:domain:jca:1.1">
      <archive-validation enabled="true" fail-on-error="false"

3.2 Specifying Jackrabbit dependencies

Next we need to be able to tell JBoss that Jackrabbit depends on the JCR API. For this we need to unpack the jackrabbit-jca-<version>.rar and change it’s MANIFEST.MF by adding the following line:

  Dependencies: javax.jcr

Then repackage it.

Note that any projects you want to deploy to JBoss that require Jackrabbit *must* also specify this dependency in their manifest.

3.3 Configure Jackrabbit

Now we’re ready to add Jackrabbit to the JBoss configuration as a resource adapter:

  <subsystem xmlns="urn:jboss:domain:resource-adapters:1.0">
              jndi-name="java:/jackrabbit" enabled="true" 
              pool-name="jackrabbit-jca-2_4_1_rar-Pool" use-ccm="true">
            <config-property name="HomeDir">
            <config-property name="ConfigFile">

If you update the repository configuration appropriately you should now be able to start JBoss AS and access Jackrabbit over JNDI.

November 2, 2011

Making Gnus archive sent mail to an IMAP folder

Posted in Emacs, Gnus, Linux at 17:30 by theBlackDragon

Earlier searches lead me to believe that storing sent mail on an IMAP folder was not feasible with Gnus.

So I was pleasantly surprised that setting:

; Store sent mail in a server IMAP folder on a per year basis
(setq gnus-message-archive-group
      (format-time-string "nnimap+superbia:INBOX.Sent.%Y"))

just worked(tm)

Where “superbia” is the name of my IMAP server in my Gnus config.

Performance seems OK so far, so we’ll see how it turns out in the long run.

October 24, 2011

Making NetBeans 7.0 work with Subversion 1.7

Posted in Java, Netbeans, RCS, Subversion at 13:55 by theBlackDragon

As you might know the newly released Subversion 1.7 uses a different local repository format, no more do you need an .svn folder per directory in your project instead it uses one .svn folder in the root of your project.

The drawback is that new clients don’t support the old format and vice versa. Netbeans 7.0 still ships with an old built-in Subversion client so after upgrading TortoiseSVN and upgrading my repositories to the new format I could no longer use SVN functionality in Netbeans which was a bit annoying.

Theoretically the solution to this is simple: just tell NetBeans to use the TortoiseSVN provided svn binary (or the one that came with your distribution, if using GNU/Linux) in Tools -> Options -> Versioning -> Subversion -> Path to the SVN executable File.

Unfortunately that doesn’t seem to quite work, I’m assuming that due to a bug NetBeans is still trying to use the built in SVN client. The solution to this I found on the NetBeans forums (here) is that you need start NetBeans with the “-J-DsvnClientAdapterFactory=commandline” argument to force it to use the command line client instead of it’s built in one.

I hope this bug gets fixed in the upcoming 7.1 release, in the meantime this workaround seems to be working fine for me.

July 5, 2011

Move line to end of file and comment

Posted in Emacs, Java at 15:40 by theBlackDragon

I had to work on a bunch of translation Java property files in an ancient J2EE project that had old translations in between the new ones resulting in a hardly readable mess that confused the hell out of Netbeans’ property file editor plugin, so I decided to just move all those old lines to the bottom of the file and comment them out.
For this I quickly hacked up two elisp functions

(defun move-line-to-end-of-file ()
  "Move the current line to the end of the file."

(defun yank-as-comment ()
  "Yank the last killed selection as a comment, but leave text 
  alone that is already a comment according to the current mode."
    (if (not (comment-only-p (mark) (point)))
        (comment-region (mark) (point)))))

There probably is a much more idiomatic way to do this (which I’d love to hear about), but this seems to work just fine for my use. Note however that move-line-to-end-of-file will just append to the last line if the file doesn’t end with a newline (which isn’t an issue in my case).

June 7, 2011

ssmtp and aliasing the TO-address

Posted in Gentoo, Linux, Techie stuff at 21:40 by theBlackDragon

I ran into a rather annoying problem today, Gentoo had pulled in ssmtp and it had started to send out mails, but since root@localhost didn’t really go anywhere everything got sent to my host’s support address, which they weren’t very happy about (sorry).

My setup up to then had been using nailx (portage: mail-client/nail) as a mailx replacement since it supports sending mails straight to an SMTP server but since I already had ssmtp now (which I didn’t know about when I set this up) I figured I’d try setting that up correctly so I could finally be rid of the dead.letter files in my homedirectories. Setting up ssmtp to send mail to an smtp server proved fairly trivial, however aliasing “root” to something more useful proved a bit harder, or rather, the information on how excatly to go about it proved to be fairly hard to find at least if you don’t know what you’re looking for.

My first intuition was to use ssmtp’s revaliases, unfortunatley that doesn’t quite work as it aliases the from-address, not the to-address. A bit of Googling later I found out about /etc/mail/aliases but that file isn’t supported by ssmtp at all (although it oddly is present on my system).

In the end it turned out I needed to use mailx (portage: mail-client/mailx) instead of nailx to provide the mail program so I then could edit /etc/mail.rc like this:
alias root root<root@myremoteaddress.be>
This of course also works for accounts other than root and it seems to work just fine. I’m sure the nice folks at Benesol will be able to appreciate it.

March 18, 2011

Dynamic class loading in Java, using constructors

Posted in Java at 15:10 by theBlackDragon

This is a followup to my previous post on this subject. Recently I needed to load some modules (which all implement the “Plugin” interface in my example) in a project using constructor arguments, this is how to go about it. Most of the previous post stays valid, you still need a ClassLoader that “knows” the jars you want to load.

        URL[] jarFiles = findAllJars();
        if(jarFiles != null)
            classLoader = URLClassLoader.newInstance(jarFiles);

Then you need to load the Class (without instantiating it, of course) and create a Constructor object, then pass the appropriate arguments to the Constructor object and instantiate the class using this object and the actual arguments.

This is how the previous article’s example looks like when using arguments:

    public static void load(String p)
    throws ClassNotFoundException, InstantiationException,
        Class cl = classLoader.loadClass(p);
        Constructor c = cl.getConstructor(String.class);
        Plugin plug = (Plugin) c.newInstance("myArgument");

The argument p is the class to be loaded (for example be.lair.plugins.MyPlugin). The argument(s) to the getConstructor call are the types of parameters the constructor expects and the last line actually provide these arguments and instantiates the class.

On a related note, maybe I should look into unloading these classes after they have been loaded, if at all possible. I’ve never had a use case for trying to do this but it might be an interesting exercise.

November 29, 2010

Beyond Black Mesa trailer

Posted in Games, Life, the Universe and Everything at 00:24 by theBlackDragon

Maybe I’ve been living under a rock, but I totally wasn’t aware of a short film being produced based on Half Life, titled “Beyond Black Mesa”. You can read the full thing here. Looks pretty good if you ask me.

Who said gamers were good for nothing?

September 15, 2010

Spring Framework missing in Netbeans 6.9

Posted in Java, Netbeans at 19:43 by theBlackDragon

Or is it?

When I tried to follow the Netbeans Spring tutorial I couldn’t for the life of me find the Spring framework where it was supposed to be, only Hibernate showed up.

Apparently you have to explicitly enable the Java Web and EE Plugin as described here. Finding this took me quite a while, I would honestly have expected this question to come up more often, especially from new Netbeans users or people that don’t usually use the Web technologies plugins (like me).

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